The spirit was quite good until the end
2022 / Performance
Premiere 12.03.2022 / Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim
What was actually going on in this Garden of Eden?
On the borders and gradients of dance, performance and theatre, the two performers HARTMANNMUELLER create a sensual scenario of a state of nature that most likely was not one.
In their Garden of Eden, it is not only human contradictions that can be experienced as intermediate tones and colour gradients. Animals speak, God is a peeping tom who questions himself through his existence and nature, discursively identified with reactionary thinking, brings into play that although it will forever be unloved, we remain dependent on it.
An evening in this garden is like a last supper, consisting of the fruits from the tree of knowledge:
We are born naked and the rest is drag! Amen.
A production by HARTMANNMUELLER, in co-production with Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim. Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW and the Kunststiftung NRW. Supported by PACT Zollverein, Essen.
Concept/Choreography: HARTMANNMUELLER
Performance: Simon Hartmann, Daniel Ernesto Mueller
Music/Composition: Jana Sotzko
Stage/Costume: Katrin Lehmacher
Dressmaker: Melina Hylla
Production Management: Susanne Berthold
Lighting Design: Philipp Zander
Photos: ©Dennis Yenmez, ©Heike Kandalowski